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Michael Fremer

Michael Fremer

Michael Fremer-lathe

Michael Fremer, the senior contributing writer to Stereophile Magazine and the worlds expert in all analog gear.

Michael needs no introduction to ACA readers, but we'll give him one anyway. His writing, film, TV and radio credits are vast. For more than fifteen years, he has been a senior contributing editor at Stereophile magazine, penning his popular monthly column "Analog Corner" as well as hundreds of product reviews. He is also a contributing editor at Home Theater magazine and the editor/owner of the online music-review website Analog Planet. He appeared in the oft-run History of Audio documentary on The History Channel, and he has been on MTV, The Today Show, CNN, and hundreds of other radio and television shows discussing, among other topics, the ongoing, unlikely resurgence of LP vinyl records. He supervised the Academy Award-nominated soundtrack to the 1982 Disney science-fiction feature film TRON and co-wrote the animated feature film Animalympics. In 2006, he wrote, produced and hosted the DVD 21st Century Vinyl, and a second DVD, It’s a Vinyl World, After All, was released in late 2008. Michael lives in New Jersey with his wife, dogs and audio system, which is fronted by his prized Continuum Audio Caliburn turntable.

For his contribution to analogue audio society, we are honored to have Mr. Michael Fremer as honorary member of ACA, since December 2010.

Mike Fremmer gitar

Source The Audio Beat

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