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Thelonious Monk ‎– Solo Monk 2017 Reissue

Thelonious Monk ‎– Solo Monk

AllMusic Review by Lindsay Planer

The mystery and haunting angular beauty of Thelonious Monk's unadorned keyboard sides are the focus of Solo Monk. As if holding the history of jazz in his hands, Monk's solo recordings and performances from every phase of his career remain pure. The components of what made Monk such an uncompromising composer, arranger, and especially bandmember are evident in every note he plays..



The disc includes both Monk originals as well as several covers of pop music standards. A majority of these sides were cut during a West Coast swing in late October and early November 1964. This highly productive jaunt would likewise yield two live releases: Live at the It Club and Live at the Jazz Workshop; both would feature Monk's quartet. On an emotional level, however, these sides arguably surpass many of the band recordings. "Sweet and Lovely" contains several passages that are played with the command and intensity usually demanded of a classical work. The intense yet sophisticated chord progressions that punctuate "Ruby, My Dear" transform what once were simple pop melodies into unaccompanied rhapsodies.



Monk transforms the solitude of "Everything Happens to Me" into a minor bop masterpiece replete with his signature disjointed phrasings and variable pacing. Parties interested in a more complete retrospective of Thelonious Monk's '60s solo recordings should also check out Monk Alone: The Complete Columbia Solo Piano Recordings 1962-1968..


A1 Dinah
A2 I Surrender , Dear
A3 Sweet and Lovely
A4 North Of The Sunset
A5 Ruby, My Dear
A6 I'm Confessin'
B1 I Hadn't Had Anyone Till You
B2 Everything Happens To Me
B3 Monk's Point
B4 I Should Care
B5 Ask Me Now
B6 These Foolish Things (Remind Me Of You)


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