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ECM-ACA 1st Event

ECM-Mathias Eick

By Tony Pothitos

ECM-ACA 1st event 13 April 2011

I kissed my wife good night, and let my heavy breathing release into a serene state of loose unconsciousness.

I thought of the Metro ride with our president, Nick, Kyriakos, Kelly and Alex, and before that our “observing’’ of the creations of Thanasis’ mezedes, and I felt content indeed.

But nothing was more beautiful in my recollection of the evening, or historic in memory in ACA’s past than that of being inside a museum downtown Athens with the Katakouzinou Foundation creating a new era with the world of music exploration. ECM Records, Jazz & Jazz, with ACA making a reality which was never dreamt of before. Reviewing the history of music with the incredibly tangible present, and appreciating the future of music reproduction via the “Hi-end” way.

The “Mikri Aktos” or Small Dipper was where the magic occurred. Sitting directly in sight of the Parliament building lighted up as if it was Christmas past, it was simply mesmerizing in itself, being in the same room, sitting next to the same piano where the human muses of Greece first played what would become the start which would change the musical scene of the world. The pictures, the furniture and the entire feeling inside this museum coming to life tonight was nothing less than a milestone for everyone there, where the specialists in the area were joined to produce something unprecedented.

Jazz & Jazz magazin was there, to witness the event of the joint venture between ECM and ACA in this most important happening. It was evident they were the final piece of the puzzle to make the perfect picture for the evening. And I for one was very proud they were there with us.

The synergy of the evening consisted of a very powerful, yet extremely enlightening high end system brought from ACA, (the system will be revealed soon) and the music was from ECM with Mathias Eick, not only connected live from Athens to Norway through Skype, with him answering questions and also being part of the incredibly VIP’s roster .

Many people asked questions and remarked after the listening session was over and the collective unconscious spirit of the group was united.
In nothing short of a picture perfect, flawless evening, history was written, and the night’s aura was obvious to everyone.

I can only wish you were there, and if nothing else, if you read this very small summary of the evening, you should feel the same.

I bow and am humbled by the people and members of each one who was involved in the dealing of the event. I congratulate everyone for being so involved and for taking place in the talk, and just not being passive listeners of the incredible jazz being unfolded before our ears and eyes.

Until next time……I will dream of this night forever.


ECM+ACA Meeting 13 April 2011

ECM+ACA meeting 13 April 2011 No2

Source Μικρή Άρκτος

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