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28 Oct 2018: George Chatziminas


By Kyriakos Kougioumtzoglou and Manos Bitsakakis

Monthly Meeting ACA at George Chatziminas

There have always been big names in hi-end. Today’s ACA has many, and one of the most prominent and musical member is our host for the evening, George Hatziminas.

The Brother of Alex and Nikos, father and son of a big family and a tradition which seems to be very apt in listening sessions.
No matter what a stereo looks like, there is a George to tell the truth, never and always relentless in both the good and the bad.

That might be considered to be bad, but in all honesty, it is a lot better than lying! As a candid person and a music lover, George has been with the club since its inception, and has been a very dominant figure in how the club has formed. He is admired and through his insane listening pleasure, we have had fantastic evenings in his home, enjoying music to every limit.

As a matter of fact, we have had so much fun, we almost destroyed his home a few times in the past, as we forgot it wasn’t a party but a home. I hope he forgives us.



Being an active member is one thing, but George has taken it to another level as he invites people over continuously to enjoy music together, his home always open to all in the club and to others who want to share his hobby. I find it difficult to believe how he enjoys music the same and in the same way as he did 20 years ago. Never aging and always happy under the influence of musical tones.

The system as we know it, has seen many changes over the years. It has been tested with various woofers, crossovers, and probably more than 20 variations of everything possible.
He only has one constant. His amplification and his transport is, has always been Ypsilon, oh and the fact that he does not prefer vinyl as others ACA members do.

I remember about a decade ago in our documentary, made by Ken Barns about ACA, the famous scene where George is with his spouse and daughter, and while she is translating, his wives’ facial expressions are simply luminous and never forgetting moments in our history, as we all have lied about how much we have spent on our systems, until one day, our wives find out.


Today was no different, we knew we would enjoy not only a system worthy and jealous of none, but a musical selection which would want us to remember that our legs are for dancing, and not walking to the volume control only.

George usually lacks only one thing when listening to music, that being the volume level on his remote. He listens to music rather loudly, and sometimes I wonder how others don’t complain, it must be because the music is so much fun and so well prepared that no one cares!

Now, lets talk about the system and his upgrades in the near past.


The System..

  • Digital Source (Transport)
    Ypsilon CDT-100
  • D/A Converter
    Ypsilon DAC-100
  • Preamplifier
    Ypsilon PST-100 MKII
  • Amplifier hybrid
    Ypsilon SET-100 ΜΚΙΙΙ, Monoblocks
  • Speakers
    GKF Exclusive, Extendedly modified-external modified crossovers
  • Cables
    Alexis copper 2 (interconnects)
    Alexis copper 1 (power)
    Alexis copper (speakers)
  • Rack
    Alexis custom

The system is powerful, musical and tonally correct beyond reproach, making music such a pleasure for any hardcore hi end enthusiast smile all evening.



The presentation program in order..

George is an hi-end lover but mainly a music lover.. that's way he is one of my best ACA club friends.. Like myself, George uses his system as a 'traveling machine' driving him and the audience to traveling hights into music pleasure nirvana fields..

From rock to techno, from classical to opera, from ambient to mainstream, from Jazz to blues, George always got both the way and the choices.. The selections are wonderfully and soulfully enriched with passion and lyricism.. The beat, the rhythm, the melody, the vocals add character and listening pleasure to the audience..

Let's now flow to George selections, as we auditioned by that wonderful night.. As there is no analogue in George place, all the parts were played by the YPSILON CD player.. Those all were excellent selections, deeply satisfying and serving our ears and soul, thanks to George!!

1 to 8 excellent selected musical selections we listened at George

  • 1. Leopold Stokowski ‎– Rhapsodies / RCA Victor CD
  • 2. Pink Floyd ‎– Wish You Were Here / CBS/Sony CD
  • 3. René Marie ‎– Vertigo / MAXJAZZ CD
  • 4. Anouar Brahem / John Surman / Dave Holland ‎– Thimar / ECM CD
  • 5. Miles Davis ‎– Kind Of Blue / COLUMBIA CD
  • 6. Socrates - Phos / Vertigo CD
  • 7. Roger Waters ‎– Amused To Death / COLUMBIA CD
  • 8. City - City / Teldec CD

1_Stokowski ‎– Rhapsodies 2. Pink Floyd ‎– Wish You Were Here 3. René Marie ‎– Vertigo 4. Anouar Brahem / John Surman / Dave Holland ‎– Thimar


5. Miles Davis ‎– Kind Of Blue 6. Socrates - Phos / Vertigo 7. Roger Waters ‎– Amused To Death 8. City - City / Teldec CD


The Ending

Thanking our member is simply not enough, his ear seems to be getting even more particular and even tougher on himself and his quality, as he has changed the room, with bass traps and has musically set the room much more than he had from the last time we were here.

We would like not only to thank him for the hospitality, but the incredible wow factor which George seems to never stop having, surprising us with his unlimited youth and love with our hobby, reminding us, that as we get older, we only get better.

We thank his spouse and his very immediate understanding of the clubs needs, and wants and like others, but even more, does everything to make things work out.
George Hatziminas not only proves our club is the number one club in the world, but shows us how we have not lost a note all these years.

We are just as young and passionate, just as compelled to know the truth and to search for even better. We congratulate him.


We thank his spouse and his very immediate understanding of the clubs needs, and wants and like others, but even more, does everything to make things work out.

George Hatziminas not only proves our club is the number one club in the world, but shows us how we have not lost a note all these years. We are just as young and passionate, just as compelled to know the truth and to search for even better.

We congratulate him.



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