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11 Sep 2011: George Heropoulos


By Tony Pothitos

Glyfada music-kingdom

It was a superlative evening, yet everything was in harmony. As if an invisible hand helped in preparing the event. And if the hosts - George and his other half - took care of everything in preparing the meeting, certainly someone else, most likely a romance director staged the outdoor scene in Glyfada. It looked as it was something which came out of his most idyllic films full of sunsets.

The atmosphere and the system...

Heropoulos-Sept-2011-pic-10The atmosphere of the guests curiously had the same pattern, and a very relaxed disposition. It was certainly helped a bit by the aperitifs served just before the audition. The latter needed an extension to show George the system, describe the listening room and heard by Dimitri Baklavas from YPSILON the technical and construction details for an "all YPSILON true HI END" system.

Heropoulos-Sept-2011-pic-01The music made everyone realize that it is enlightened since it respects the listener and leads him to a divine hearing process. The whole process and the passionate work directed to this result – as everyone knows in ACA – went between a rock and a hard place. This particular system crossed a tsunami raised by the limitations set by the hearing area. The target was assisted by selected top quality components aimed at overcoming the sonic waywardness of the listening room, without any architectural and sonic treatment interventions. The desired result is to satisfy the host’s highest listening requirements.

The music...

Heropoulos-Sept-2011-pic-12The parade began with music by Peter Aberard. The sophisticated sound of the guitar, combined with percussion, was highly emotional, and the female voice was sweet but with the right acidity, to get the right metal of her voice.

Then, appeared in the room personally Milles Davis. Seven steps to heaven ... bodied and grandiose, fun bass and high contrast.

There are no words to describe the subsequent entry of the violin of David Oistrahk, in rondo capriccioso of Saint Saens. The violin’s storm was attributed to a point felt by all of us.

Change of scenery; with the digital source by YPSILON, with Elisabeth Kounakaki in piano and the e-motion of Schumann, in a recording without great sonic performances. Moving to the filling oriental, Burka of Rabih Abou-Khalil. Full textures composition, perfect given by the hole system.

The highlight of the evening belonged indisputably to Shostakovich. Full orchestra to jazz and ballet invited us to enjoy the plausibility of the orchestra, as given by a height reference system.

It was followed by the religious interpretation of Nina Simone in "strange fruits" from the album Jazz masters 17, inclines to the curtain with an astonishing Yusef Lateef in suite overtime from the album Belmondo.

Respected members participated in the following discussion, and mainly suggested improvements in the room acoustic, further speaker adjustment, in this rather peculiar place.

System description

  • Analog Source: Transrotor Super Seven Reference
    Dynavector DV507 MKII + Dynavector Te Kaitora Rua
  • Digital Source: Ypsilon CDT - 100
  • Phono stage: Ypsilon VPS-100 +Ypsilon MC16 Step up
  • Preamplifier+DAC: Ypsilon PST-100 MKII MOD (mono version)
  • Amplifiers: Ypsilon SET-100MKIII monoblocks
  • Speakers: Ypsilon custom 3 way system+sub
  • Cables: Accuphase (interconnects) Acrolink (speakers, power)
  • Rack: Copulare


As last words, congratulations were handed to the team George Heropoulos-Dimitris Baklavas (Ypsilon Electronics) for their wonderful effort to achieve this result. The musical night reign with a feast of delicacies offered by the hosts, to whom we express our gratitude.

By Evangelos Gountanis

From the sidelines at G.Heropoulos's meeting

When music becomes religion.

When music becomes a healer of the soul and heart.

When perfection is silence so the music can be heard.

And when music can stop time and change your reality. That is when you know you are listening to an Ulta high end system. A goal which each and every one of us at ACA strives for. A nirvana which cannot be described with words on paper but only by listening to such a system.

Last night was such a night for ACA members indeed. The Ypsilon created system was in totality an enlightenment which can be compared in my eyes to a religious moment, or in the least something which was sent from God, as if the sky’s open and music is played through the clouds, which in this case acted as speakers.

Not that the system was faultless, but if you consider the fact that it is less than four days old since its final set up, you can imagine what will its future will be like.

I cannot even begin to describe the Instruments (speakers in this case) ability to play, and not simply recreate music. I find it even more difficult to name this system as such, but dub it an ORGAN of which music is redefined. As a matter of fact I wish Shakespeare was alive so he could feel the love as I did and write about its nature as no human could.

All I can say is that the music was “out of the box”, as if quantum physics had altered time and space, where music is the only thing that exists.
We heard amongst other pieces a piano played by Mrs. Kounalaki, who’s caress and gift was as if fruit was making love with passion on the waves of the sea, and where unexaggerated playing seemed to be the opposite as the listener was waiting for every note with need and not from curiosity alone.

Then George decided to throw us a subtle kiss from Lebanon, where the actual momentum and air was felt from the hand touching the drum. Simply astonishing.

We left the drum and heard soldiers marching although it was not what was directly played as such, but an effect from the recordings live recreation of the terror of war. It was the first time I was affected by music in such a way.

Trumpets were then presented in a piece of jazz that came with the smell of a mild cigar and an exotic perfume, making the oxygen around me feel intoxicating while inhaling the sound and not just simply listening to it. I can only describe it as lovemaking. Nothing else can come closer to the feeling in parallel with what this ORGAN of sound played tonight.


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