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The third and final part of GONG’s "Radio Gnome Trilogy" that followed “Flying Teapot” and ‘‘Angel’s Egg''...

At the time the trilogy was written, the recipe for success in the music scene was relatively easy, especially for someone who lifted in the back one of the top names who formed the band… David Allen, Pierre Moerlen, Steve Hillage, etc…

Unlike this, a difficult recipe was deliberately chosen... Jazz fusion and rock with eerie sounds, voices, whispers, mysterious atmosphere, innovative options and musical phrases surprise or shock even today ... An incredible musical-erotic scenario ... The philosophy of rock psychedelic in all of its forms and all of its glory ...

From the first auditioning, the atmosphere of the work riveting the listener, asking nothing more than courage and openness of thought ... After he has responded, rewards and baptizing him as the pilot of the strange green craft, supplying him at the same time with maps and tools for the flight to the 'strange planet' that although both distant and aloof looks cozy and intimate ...

On the way, light everywhere ... countless the suns passing through and hovering between them... But also darkness everywhere ... Not that hideous black and mournful darkness, but the mysterious and spooky one, which predisposes the voyager in the preparation and process for leaving...

It really worths to mention how the music of GONG’s trilogy and its ultimate expression 'YOU', achieves the goal of... How the inventive phrases and musical selections performed by the leading ‘space rockers’, create an atmosphere and a mood revealing this ultimate music project ...

Magic Mother Invocation, Master Builder, A Sprinkling of Clouds, Perfect Mystery, The Isle of Everywhere ... Living diamonds, striking proof of the genius of 'mad' David Allen and his friends, that bad habits like drugs, alcohol and communal life, reward them with inspiration and desire for creative musical scripting...

If the 'Dark Side Of The Moon' by Pink Floyd reflects the mystery and guilt of our existence and 'Oxygene' of Jean Michele Jarre represents it’s best electronic or 'techno' version, 'YOU' is the proof and cynical testimony that relieves the listener from the anxiety and the agony with an erotic and humorous pattern, calling him at the same time just turn off the lights and enjoy…

Difficult, yet complex work cannot be regarded but obscure and inaccessible. Instead, being inventive, brightened with the talent of its creators, meets the need of the discerning music lovers looking for something familiar yet hard, deep and thoughtful...

'YOU' is nothing less than a team 'musical orgy' an approaching litany to the power of electric music, an aural madness scattered with sounds and voices mentioning primordial landscapes and raising emotions... A sonic spectacle filled with fascination, challenges and surprises... An elegiac musical tale, a show that played to scenes of existing and nonexistent worlds, decorated with that primitive cosmic material from which all of us come from and in which all we end up, recycling our existence and morality in the eternal cosmic time...

'YOU' ... a masterful work of talented freaks that their musical site of view was diverse and uniquely detached from stereotypes and established musical standards of their time ... A carpet of Aladdin that not only directed at young children, but in each one of us who dare to be initiated in this strange journey, bearing in mind how truly and difficult to be written are the mysterious beautiful tales…

By Manos Bitsakakis


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