Steve Jobs Died....

  • Manos_Bits


    Chairman Administrator

    Steve Jobs: 1955-2011

    Apple has lost a visionary and creative genius, and the world has lost an amazing human being. Those of us who have been fortunate enough to know and work with Steve have lost a dear friend and an inspiring mentor. Steve leaves behind a company that only he could have built, and his spirit will forever be the foundation of Apple.

    If you would like to share your thoughts, memories, and condolences, please email

    1  7 Oct 2011  
  • Toptubes


    ACA Member

    A real loss not only for Apple but for the scientific community in general. Steve Jobs was the genius mind behind the most advanced company in electronics of our time.

    2  7 Oct 2011  
  • Trouble


    ACA Member

    Who cares....he did it for the money and fame and not for the people, as the Indians did who made a tablet with 50 USD which uses free Android software which does what Apple does without the bells and whistles.

    That is a man we should talk about, not about mp3 and mobile phones!!

    CNN spent an entire day worshiping the GOD of the lifestyle which some philosophies offer.

    I vote for Android, what good is a product which costs 2 months salary to buy!!

    3  9 Oct 2011  
  • Trouble


    ACA Member

    4  10 Oct 2011  
  • Mikekan


    ACA Member

    Goodmorning Tony! great day today, our site is up finally! :)

    5  10 Oct 2011  
  • Trouble


    ACA Member

    Yes, and finally I had some time, days later to see how it is working. There are bugs but I am sure Nike will fix it all.

    6  16 Oct 2011  
  • Manos_Bits


    Chairman Administrator

    Tony... sorry but the above fotos are at least unacceptable and rize a vilification to a dead man, a glorious spirit and one of the pioneer minds of our days...

    7  16 Oct 2011  
  • Mikekan


    ACA Member

    Tony έλα ρε!

    8  16 Oct 2011  
  • Trouble


    ACA Member

    You are all very correct in thinking that the pictures are vulgar.

    You are all right to voice your opinion.

    You are all right in general.

    But since we are all right, then let me tell you what is wrong.

    Wrong is the man who we made into a GOD because he was a good business man.

    Wrong is that CNN spent 48 hours covering his death when Mother Teressa's life was covered in 2.

    Wrong is that a capitalistic society such as the Americans, think they can buy life, happiness and anything they want with the money which, in the end goes to hospitals to keep you alive, or, goes to others which stay alive after you die trying to make money.

    Wrong is to cut 4500 workers for a profit. As Jobs did!

    Wrong is the need for the Americans to make a human being who is a BUSINESS MAN into a figure we would all want to be. (we are like donkeys with carrots in front of us, dreaming of being that man)

    Because wrong is anything which defies right. And it is NOT RIGHT to think that THIS MAN!!!! JOBS....did nothing for you and me, but for his own sake in the name of CASH and getting HIS DREAM created. Unless any of you have stocks in Apple that is!!

    We are all men, we get on the news if we are rich and that makes it right?

    The man who created the vaccine for Polio, the man who saved your life, and your childrens life, do you know his name?


    Because he made NO MONEY and wanted no fame from it all. He wanted it for the people and not for him. And that my friends is RIGHT.

    We have lost our ways it seems and I personally know which way is right still. Deep down I know you do also.

    Thats right!

    9  17 Oct 2011  
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