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16 Jun 2002: Yannis Vlachos


By Aristidis Koumbas

This meeting was the 3rd held at Vlahos's house and the 1st for Ionas Sakkis. This day was difficult due to the World Cup games, so only a few people showed up in these 2 meetings.

But, what an evening...

Yannis Vlahos is one of these guys who like to experiment all the time (having all the free time in the world, he is a retired you know...) although not having the proper technical background to do so. Nevertheless, putting aside some drawbacks regarding building quality and look, he has accomplished to create an impressive sound reproduction mechanism with very cheap ingredients.

IonasVlachos-Jun-2002-pic-1Having said that, the day of the meeting was not one of his favorites. Very few people showed up due to the 'World Cup' games, heat and the splitting of people during this double meeting. Ionas Sakkis, on the other side of the city, having hosted his first Club meeting, managed to attract more thirsty audiophiles ...

On top of that, static electricity was one of Yannis's guests too, distracting our attention from the sound which never the less (value for money speaking) is one of the best among Club members! During this meeting we heard only vinyl and sound seemed natural, although with some more emphasis in the middle frequencies (Lowther you see...) but sweet and real at the same time. Especially small group music is one of the system's favorites.

Bravo Yannis and I hope next time the Club will meet in full session there...

Music program highlights

  • 1969 Velvet Underground LIVE with LOU REED (Mercury 6643017)
  • Yello one second (Mercury)
  • Loughing to keep from crying (Verve MGVS 6054)
  • Coleman Hawkins (Clark Terry) "Back in bean's bag" (Columbia CS 8791)

System Description

  • Acousta 115 with Lowther 5 full range horns, driven by DIY 300B mono blocks (svetlana) and 'Phos Pro' preamplifier (both custom made by 'Petrakis')
  • Analogue source: Alphason 'Sonata' with Denon 304DL cartridge
  • Interconnects: Cheap stock cables
  • Speaker cables: Cheap stock cables
  • Power cables: DNM

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