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14 Jan 2017: George Papaemmanouil


By Manos Bitsakakis

Monthly Meeting ACA at George Papaemmanouil

On Saturday the 14th of January 2017 our Club annual meeting was done in George Papaemmanouil place.. George is one of the oldest members of the club having receded for some years and now returning back...

So, along with the annual glorious meeting and our Club cake cutting, there was a challenge for many of us to listen to a fine audio system.. Another fact in that meeting was the entry of 2 new members in the Club, we wish them nice stay and great hi-end auditions...

The greatest hour of every meeting is that of the system audition, Yiorgos got an interesting system, so let’s point straight to that..


First thing first the fact that the owner has lived for a long time with that system.. So he’s got much knowledge and experience about how it sounds and also has been familiar with the subcomponents, having hundreds hours of auditions...

At last hi-end is not only trading and roll-out basic system devices every six months, but mainly is the study and improvement of the existing good stuff.. Personally I am deeply respecting the long-lasting systems and their owners...

Next, the ‘wired’ Rehdekos.. Those dark and big base-monitors that revealed dynamism and disappearance in space along with huge levels of realism in human voices.. Rehdekos sounded real great when db’s travelling instantaneous from 45 to 100 and returned back, in a simple and undeformed manner...


The voices performed naturally, placed exactly in pace surprising us the listeners about how loudly or softly would been heard.. The metal strings of the bouzouki, the acoustic bass, the tumult of the prevailing atmosphere of live, were all giving the feeling of being there.. A real soul touching feeling!!

The vast differences from track to track… Some classic recordings showed their weaknesses and sonic imperfections… That was another favor, not every single system can reveal those differences... At last we can say that digital finally can play well!!!

The dac, the weak link.. Personally I'm a fond of harmony.. Everything in our life is harmony whether it comes from slight fluctuations or large extensions.. George’s system has built with care and has based on two rare and strange speakers that sound well, matched with an also very good quality tube amplifier, hosted in a very nice place..

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In my humble opinion, (that have been also expressed at the meeting), a sophisticated advanced Dac would fit better with that system and also would be in par with the upper level of the amplifier and speakers, taking in mind that system plays only digital...

The System...

Source: Audio Aero Capitole II (as transport)
Dac: Cambridge Audio 815c
Network Music Player: Cambridge Audio NP30
Preamplifier: VTL TL-5.5
Power Amplifier Tube: VTL ST-150
Speakers: Rehdeko 175 5S


I want to deeply thank again the host for that great meeting, greetings to all members old and new for the new year with nice music...


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  • Papaemanuil-14-1-2017-video-02

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