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Richard H. Mak

Richard H. Mak
Richard Mak_01
Home Audio System #1
TW Raven AC, JC Verdier La Platine Vintage, Micro Seiki RS5000
SME 3012 V1, V2, V3, Rossner & Sohn Si1.2, DaVinci Virtu, DaVinci Grandezza, Schroder Reference, Primary Control, Acoustical System Axion Anniversary, Fidelity Research AnalogMagik Restored version FR-66
My Sonic Lab Ultra Eminent BC, Signature Platinum Kondo IO-M x 2, IO-XP x 2, Clearaudio Goldfinger Statement, ZYX Optimum 1 Ohm, Lyra Olympos, Phasemation PP-2000, and more
Phono Stage
CH Precision P1x4 Mono, X1 x 2 Mono. Tenor Phono 1, Kondo M7 + KSL, and more
DigitalEMM Labs CD-SA SE
Metronome AQWO – t|AQWO – c|AQWO
Luxman D-380
amplifier/preMcIntosh C1000 Tube Preamp, Luxman CL38u SE
McIntosh MC3500 x 6, restored by Murray Allen
Burmester PH 100
2nd System: McIntosh MC240x 2, MC30x 2, MC225 x 2 with C22 Vintage Preamp
SpeakersPeak Consult Dragon Legend
Purist Aqueous Aureus
Purist Venustas
Furutech FP-Alpha 3
Phono cabling
AnalogMagik Direct wiring
Power Conditioner
McIntosh MP3500
Equitech 2Q (2nd System).
Audio RackCustom made 750 lbs stand
Environment75m2 (5 x 15 x 2.8)

Richard was originally from Hong Kong, and now lives in Singapore. He is the inventor of the cartridge setup software AnalogMagik, as well as being the Analog Editor for Mono & Stereo, Part-Time Audiophile as well as TONE Magazine. He is also the co-founder of the GTA Audiophile Club, and is very active in the audiophile community.

His journey started when he was twelve years old in Hong Kong, when little boys were playing with their Apple II computers or roaming the playground, he was spinning vinyl on his Luxman L430 system and JBL speakers. The hobby pretty much stuck with Richard his entire life, and he has since built a big part of his social life around audio and music. Well—that, and wine.

Contrary to most audiophiles, Richard does not believe high fidelity to be the ultimate goal in high-end audio. He believes that people are the ultimate goal. Two people listening to music together is more fun than one, and three is better than two. Four is a party. Sometime after five is when the police start showing up. When music brings people together, and people become friends, that to him is the ultimate goal of being an audiophile. This does not mean audio will become mediocre when it comes to the pursuit of high fidelity, in fact when friends get along, the combined knowledge of a group of people will open doors to better methods, better skills, better sounds, but most importantly, better relationships between people.

As such audio and music have been a blessing to Richard, as he has met more people through audio than anything else in life, which is why he continues to promote audio and music actively. Richard’s focus is with analog audio, he has set up over 2500+ turntable cartridges in his lifetime; AnalogMagik is his own proprietary solution to the challenge of cartridge setup.

Richard has approx. 10,000 LPs, the majority being classicals, including a complete collection of DECCA Originals. He also enjoys folk, indie rock, and some folk music. Jazz, however, is not his thing. He also has a music library with 320,000 songs, a non-stop 24/7 playback will take 12 years to completely play through.

Richard jointed ACA, on April 2013.

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