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Marios Kyriacou

Marios Kyriacou
Analog SourceTRANSROTOR, Fat Bob S
Two motors and Dr Fuss PS
Dynavector 507Mk2
Dynavector Te Kaitora Rua
Digital SourceMetronome, CD 4 signature
Victor, XL-Z999EX
PreamplifiersCary Audio, SLP 05 (line)
Tron, Seven Ref. (phono)
Amplifiers TubeCary Audio, CAD 211 Anniversary (monoblocks)
SpeakersTannoy, Westminster Royal
Tannoy ST-200 super-tweeters
CablesKimber Select, KS 1130 (interconnects)
Kimber Select, KS 11030 (phono)
Audio Note Kondo, LP
(interconnects for Victor CD)
Audio Note Kondo, KSL-SPZ (speakers)
Furutech, Alpha 3 (power)
Van Den Hul, Mainstream (power)
Shunyata Anacoda Helix (power)
Power ConditionerSHUNYATA Hydra-8
RackDIY glass shelves, wood stand
Environment55m2 (10x5.5x5)

Marios lives in Limassol, Cyprus and he is an economist. He is a Ph.D.holder of the Cambridge University.

He holds a high position in one of the leading banks in Cyprus and he is a dedicated audiophile and music fan from the time that he was very young.

"Since I was around ten I began spending my savings on the purchase of music albums. Started off with cassette tapes, then went on buying cd’s in the early ninety’s. Got myself into vinyl over the last five years.

Through always a music lover I did not know high end was about until I heard a Leak single ended amplifier with the Tannoy Autograph speakers at a friend’s house during my university years at Cambridge.

I have had a number of equipment changes over the years (amps, preamps, speakers, interconnects, from solid state to triode valves) but I would like to think that my current system serves my needs and taste rather well"

Marios jointed ACA on May 2012

Transrotor-fat-Bob-S+Dynavector 507Marios-Kyriacou-Rack-and-speakerCary-Audio-CAD-211-Anniv-MonoblockCary-Audio-CAD 211 AnniversaryMetronome-CD-4+VictorTransrotor-Fat-Bob+Dynavector-507Tannoy-Prestige-Westminster-RoyalTannoy-Prestige-ST200Victor XL-Z999EX

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