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19 Jul 2014: Vassilis Mavroidis


By Panagiotis Adamopoulos

Monthly Meeting ACA at Vassilis Mavroidis


Hot July summer evening and ACA’s scheduled meeting is taking place in a quiet neighborhood. Summertime in Athens and people are in the chill out mood everywhere. This month’s host of Club members is the well known in audio circles mister M! This wonderful evening we are visiting our dear member Vasilis Mavroidis or Vasilis M like the most audiophile friends call him.

Vassilis is a special kind of person in a good manner. He is characterized by his obsession for order and perfectionism and you can feel it as soon as you enter his audio room. Everything is placed in order and his system is set with every aspect taken very seriously from acoustic care in the room until connector cleanness.

Another aspect of his personality is his hospitality and friendliness which made us all feel like home in while we were gathering in his place.

Participation was great with many members gathering in M’s place and discussions, fun, and good mood made us all have Big Time fun!

The Listening...

Listening sessions started and all of us sat down to listen and enjoy the audio system. Vasilis started his program playing all kinds of music from rock, electronic to classical.

The result was more an impression of Vasilis personality reflected on the sound quality achieved by the care of the system build up taking in mind every aspect of it.

The most dominant characteristics of it were analysis, great air and authority, transparency and powerful well controlled low end. We enjoyed music played loud with no compression and with great clarity achieved by the sound care applied in Vasilis listening room.

The program ended with some great vinyl recordings and the meeting moved outside of the room where we had the chance to enjoy hi – end food choices with drinks and lot of hi-fi chatting!

The Tracks...

The XX, Missing

The xx - Missing

Nils Lofgren, Keith don’t go

Nils Lofgren - Kieth Don't Go [CD Quality]

Eagles, Hotel California Live (Unplugged)

Eagles - Hotel California - ( Alta Calidad ) HD

Massive Attack, Angel

Massive Attack - Angel

System Composition...

Analog Source 1: JVC TT-101/Techincs EPA-100+Technics EPC-205 MK4 - Victor UA-7045+SHURE V15 III
Analog Source 2: JVC QL-7A/JVC Victor UA-5045+Technics EPC-205 MK3
CD Player: Creek Evolution
Digital Source: PC Windows/JRiver 19
D/A Converter: Benchmark DAC2 HGC
Preamplifiers: Pioneer C-21 (with phono) and Benchmark DAC2 HGC
Power Amplifier: CI Audio 500W, (monoblocks)
Speakers: SONY SS-M9ED
Cables: Hitachi Quantum Class 1 (interconnects), Furukawa PCOCC (speakers), Acoustic Revive Power max 10000 (power)


  • Mavroidis Meeting 19-7-2014 Video 01
  • Mavroidis Meeting 19-7-2014 Video 02
  • Mavroidis Meeting 19-7-2014 Video 03

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