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AudioStream March 2014


1st Edition

Michael Lavorgna Interviews Neil Young
We will be posting his live interview from SXSW later today. Check back at the homepage for details.

Neil Young Annouces The Launch of PonoMusic
In a press release dated March 10, 2014, Neil Young has officially announced PonoMusic.

Merzbow's Venereology: Album DR 00
My friend John DeVore, who is also the maker of my speakers, sent me an email over the weekend, "I was just perusing your Beck post again after receiving the vinyl and ended up sniffing around the Dynamic Range Database. I saw an album with a 00 DR(!!) and decided I had to hear what that sounded like.

Synergistic Research UEF Active Tuning Circuits
The Synergistic Research UEF (Uniform Energy Field) Technology Active Tuning Circuits are the new replacements for the Enigma Tuning Circuits (Bullets) provided with the Synergistic Research Element and Galileo Series cables and AC cords, Digital Power Tools, Tranquility Bases, PowerCell line conditioners, and older Tesla Series LE cables and AC cords.

Download of the Week: Carla Bozulich
Carla Bozulich is badass. Like Jim Morrison only scary. Stephen Mejias already told us her new album Boy kicked ass, actually part of what he said was "The result is something like a wonderfully twisted, damaged Fleetwood Mac single."

ioSafe Fireproof and Waterproof Storage
With more and more people amassing terabytes-worth of file-based music libraries representing thousands of dollars invested, the issue of data security should also be on the rise.

We're New!
Do you feel refreshed? I do. Many thanks to Web Monkey Jon Iverson and the rest of the SORC team for what I think is a much cleaner, leaner look. I hope you like it, too.

Aurender S10 Music Playback and Storage Solution
What is a music server? A music server is a computer. These days what isn't? Our automobiles have computers in them but we don't call them computers, our phones are computers in this same sense but we don't call them computers, either.

Beck's Morning Phase: Is the 24/96 Download Worth It?
Thanks to reader Juergen R. for alerting me to what appears to be the fact that two of the tracks from Beck's wonderful Morning Phase included in the 24/96 download from HDtracks are sourced from MP3. Juergen commented in the original DotW post...

Free CD-Quality Music Downloads
Thanks to Stephen Mejias for the heads up on Ektoplazm and their huge catalog of free music downloads. I'll let Ektoplazm provide the details.

To DSD or Not to DSD, That Is The Question: PS Audio PerfectWave DirectStream DAC v Berkeley Audio Design Alpha DAC Reference Series
PS Audio has just announced a new product - the DirectStream DAC ($5,995). In essence, the DirectStream DAC converts all incoming data including PCM to 1-bit DSD using their own code implemented in a Spartan VI FPGA.

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