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Stereophile June 2022


1st Edition

Bonnie Raitt, Blues Sister: Her Life And Times In Eight Songs
When an icon drops her first album in six years, you sit up and take notice. Bonnie Raitt made her earliest record a half-century and more ago, in August 1971. She was 21 and could easily have been carded; the face on the cover of Bonnie Raitt--that first album--has yet to shed all its baby fat.

Hearty Thanks to You, Munich High End 2022
Triumphing over multiple pandemic-enforced cancellations and postponements, the "is it really going to happen?" four-day event drew 9472 trade visitors from over 80 countries and 9878 consumers from 69 countries.

Meitner MA3 Integrated D/A processor
Music lovers (and reviewers) long for those listening moments when their entire being lights up with joy. For me, that divine spark surfaced unexpectedly one February afternoon when, late for an appointment, I dashed into the music room, searching for my keys.

John Atkinson to Receive the LAOCAS Founder's Award
The Los Angeles and Orange County Audio Society (LAOCAS) has chosen John Atkinson, former editor-in-chief and now technical editor of Stereophile, as the winner of its 29th annual Founder's Award.

Gramophone Dreams #61: The Art of Cable: AudioQuest, Canare, Kondo & the HoloAudio Serene preamplifier
I have this friend, a smart, good-looking young physicist from Argentina. Naturally, I call him "Gaucho." He lives in a glistening-white steel-and-glass apartment overlooking lower Manhattan. I visit him regularly, usually with a group of audio friends, mainly to compare recordings, drink wine, and talk hi-fi.

Melco N50 Digital Music Library
Melco, the Japanese maker of the N50 Music Library featured in this review, is not a household name among US audiophiles. Veterans may recall the Melco 3560 turntable, which was considered extravagant at its 1978 launch, in part because it supported three tonearms.

Source Stereophile

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