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AnalogPlanet February 2015


2nd Edition

"You Say Turntable Sales Are Up....There Are No Statistics To Back This Up"
It was twenty years ago, but not today. Close enough though. I was rummaging through some old files when I came upon a letter I'd received from Gary Shapiro, who is now President and CEO of the Consumer Electronics Association, the group that among other things, runs the annual International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.

Buying Used Records? A Cautionary Tale!
After reading analogplanet's Bruce Springsteen box set coverage a well-known audio designer excitedly came up to me at last December's L.A. and Orange County Audiophile Society Gala. "That review prompted me to look for a mint original copy of Born to Run and I was lucky enough to find two sealed copies" he told me, "so I'm going to send you one of them."

Alvin Brothers Unlock Key to Big Bill Broonzy
What can these two tow headed little brothers pictured on the cover know about Big Bill Broonzy? Obviously plenty as you'll hear on this inspired collaboration--the Alvin brothers' first together in almost thirty years.

Onkyo Re-Enters the Turntable Market With a Direct Drive Model (Facts Added)
The news is that Onkyo is re-entering the turntable market with the CP-1050, a direct drive model featuring a die-cast aluminum platter, MDF plinth and "S" shaped arm fitted with a MM cartridge. The MSRP in America is a steep $599.

Dylan and The Band's The Basement Tapes Raw Presents The Authentic Document
The further you get in time from this story the more focused, three-dimensional and confounding it becomes. How deep do you want to dig and how far down have you already dug?

Mark Knopler Cuts a New Song to Analog Tape
A reader forwarded a new video showing Mark Knopfler, who had recorded his share of albums digitally, back in the studio recording to analog tape using tube compressors to achieve the desired sound based on sound not necessarily the latest technology.

Triangle ART Zeus MC Cartridge: The Best For Less?
California-based Triangle ART manufactures five gleaming chrome and gold plated high mass turntables as well as its own tone arm. The 'tables weigh from 40 to 850 pounds. Recently, Triangle ART introduced the Zeus MC phono cartridge, thus completing mechanical part of the analog playback.

Analogplanet Visits Stoughton Press
Stoughton Press located in California's City of Industry, recently installed a $2.8 million dollar state-of-the-art Heidelberg printing press in order to keep up with the demand for the "vinyl fad".

1st Edition

Roxy Music Box Set Coming March 16th From Universal
Roxy Music, the art-rock band that spawned the music careers of lead singer Bryan Ferry and producer, music experimenter (and who knows how to adequately describe him) Brian Eno will get the full and well deserved box set treatment from Universal.

A Quick Visit to Stockholm's Veteran Hifi
Towards the end of the Stockholm show I was called away and asked to visit a hifi store on the other side of town. I was told I'd like what I saw and I did.

Stockholm High End Mässan 2015 Show Coverage
Turntable set-up seminars and a visit to the Marten loudspeaker company in Gothenburg, Sweden's second largest city are the main agenda during this short visit but if there's anything new and interesting we'll report on it.

Shadows In The Night : Another Side of Bob Dylan
Though Bob Dylan pays tribute here to Frank Sinatra who recorded for Columbia, Capitol and Reprise (which he founded), the record label is a Blue Note facsimile.

Ultrasonicrecords Adds Dryer Cube to Compliment V-8 Cleaning Machine
Owners of the V-8 ultrasonic record cleaner have long been clamoring for a drying device. Now there is one.

GZ Media Takes Its Latest "Fashion Statement" Down the Runway!
When we announced last year that Czech Republic based GZ Media was putting online new record presses to meet the high vinyl demand skeptics said "I'll believe it when I see it."

Neil Young: Vinyl Resurgence is "nothing but a fashion statement"
According to U.K. music paper NME, Neil Young claimed during a recent interview on Frame, a California radio show, that vinyl is "nothing but a fashion statement."

Devilish Sonics From Reference Recordings' Mephisto & Co.
Previously only available on CD, this double 45 rpm set of classical music sonic spectaculars provides both demonstration quality sound and a fun ride even for those professing to not like classical music, courtesy of a world-renowned orchestra and conductor.

Does Vinyl Have Wider Dynamic Range Than CDs? Here's Some Math
While many of us seem to hear wider dynamic range coming from vinyl, the numbers would seem to point in the opposite direction. Or do they?

Hand to Hand Combat!
I got into it in the discussion section of a ridiculous Rolling Stone story. Why did I waste my time doing so? Because this is hand-to-hand combat folks! Get your hands dirty!

This is Your Brain on CD Resolution Sound: Read The Study
Why does CD sound not only annoy many people, but also cause them to not want to listen or to listen in the background while doing something else?

Source AnalogPlanet

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