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Stereophile September 2014

Stereophile September 2014

1st Edition

KEF R700 loudspeaker
In the late 1980s, KEF, then as now a leader in bringing new technology to loudspeaker design, developed a unique coincident driver that positioned the tweeter in the throat of the midrange/woofer cone.

Antelope Audio Zodiac Platinum D/A processor–headphone amplifier & Voltikus power supply
Professional digital audio is like gravity to consumer audio's antigravity: pro gear draws music into digital files, and consumer audio releases those same notes back out again.

Revel Performa3 M106 loudspeaker
When I contacted Kevin Voecks to discuss the design of the two-way, rear-ported Performa3 M106, he was excited about the speaker's 1" aluminum-dome tweeter, which, he says, has had its distortion and resonances reduced to below the level of audibility.

Listening #141
Johnny Town-Mouse was born in a cupboard, and Timmie Willie was born in a garden--this according to Beatrix Potter, who modeled both of her hantavirus-carrying protagonists after people of her acquaintance.

Triangle Signature Delta loudspeaker
The French do things differently. I first heard Triangle loudspeakers at the 1981 Festival du Son, in Paris. That was, of course, after I had obtained admission to the show, in a nonintuitive process in which members of the press obtained their credentials at a booth inside the show.

PS Audio PerfectWave DirectStream D/A processor
It's like hearing the name of an old friend and then seeing him, in your mind's eye, as he was when you were both much younger: Whenever talk turns to Boulder, Colorado–based PS Audio, I can't help picturing that company's Model IV preamplifier, of the early 1980s.

Angie's Audio Corner Opens an Annex
Toronto is turning into a happening place for audiophiles. The Toronto Audio Visual Entertainment Show being held October31–November 2, 2014, promises to be bigger and better in their new venue at the Sheraton Centre Hotel downtown.

Hearts Afire
“There are no time signatures: the tempos and rhythms are always governed by either the heart rates or the breathing rates of the individual players…to enable the players to hear and play in sync with their own heartbeats, they wear stethoscopes.”

AudioVision SF's Brand New Store
What a difference a change of location can make! What was originally a major challenge--AudioVision SF, one of the country's major dealerships, literally had the rug pulled out from under them by their landlord last spring.

[[|]Living Sound Meets Living Art]
I've always considered the high end to be industrial art. People who favor a certain brand are saying, in a way, "I like that designer's interpretation. I like his or her art."--David Wilson

California Audio Show 2014 Show Report
Jason Victor Serinus reports live from the Westin SFO in Millbrae California. Glorious photos and incisive commentary await.

Source Stereophile

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