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Stereophile Apr 2023


2nd Edition

Monitor Audio Platinum 200 3G speakers, Roksan, Parasound, AudioQuest
Last summer, when I went shopping for a pair of standmount speakers for a bedroom, I settled on Monitor Audio Bronze 100s. They ticked the boxes: musical to a T, natural-sounding, not too incisive or fatiguing, and a pretty damn good value at around $700/pair. I dug 'em, and still do.

Ocean Audio: Finley Audio cables meet Serhan Swift speakers meet...
In the Ocean Audio room in which Finley Audio, Les Davis Audio, Small Green Computer, Serhan Swift loudspeakers, and Boulder Audio joined forces, my attention was first drawn to Serhan Swift of Sydney, Australia.

Audio-Ultra showcases CH Precision and Magico
If you wanted to hear an admirably smooth, solid, all-of-one-piece system with a huge soundstage and extremely fast and firm bass, Ed DeVito's Audio-Ultra exhibit was one of the best to visit.

Kat Ourlain Brings PrimaLuna, Tannoy (and Cabasse) from Upscale Audio
While audiophiles kvetch over the future of this thing we love, rest assured, young audiophiles are growing in number, evidenced by AXPONA halls streaming with under-30 types.

Accuphase A300 monoblocks and other debuts from AXISS Audio USA
With the assumption of audiophile Cliff Duffey (above) as President of AXISS Audio USA (aka AXISS Distribution Inc.), and the addition of T.J. Goldsby as Vice President of Sales and Dealer relations, the company has added more lines than can comfortably fit into a headline.

The Lenbrook room, Paul Barton, and PSB's Flagship Synchrony T800 Tower
Industry legend Paul Barton (above) has been designing speakers for more than half a century. He's also quite the speaker himself.

1st Edition

Recommended Components 2023 Edition
Every product listed here has been reviewed in Stereophile. Everything on the list, regardless of rating, is genuinely recommendable.

Punk Rock's Wild Gift
This month's music feature, by Mike Mettler, is an interview with John Doe, best known as cofounder, in 1977, of the legendary punk band X. During X's long recording career, Doe's urgent voice has offset the starkly contrasting voice of co-lead vocalist (and songwriting partner) Exene Cervenka, who was Doe's girlfriend before she joined the band; it's one of the most recognizable sounds in punk.

NAD C 3050 LE BluOS streaming integrated amplifier
Although NAD was founded in England in 1972 as New Acoustic Dimension, my introduction to the brand was in 1980. I bought an NAD 3020 integrated amplifier after hearing it successfully drive Acoustic Research's current-hungry AR9 loudspeakers.

Mojo Mystique X SE D/A processor
When I survey the realms of fancy-pants audio, the first thing I notice are cohorts of luxury-brand manufacturers selling pride of ownership with emblematic faceplates.

The Beatles Reanimated: The Giles Martin Revolver Remix
On a warm day in September 2022, alongside 40 or so press colleagues, I was treated to an advance demonstration of the Dolby Atmos mix of The Beatles' Revolver, at Republic Studios on Broadway In New York City's midtown.

Montreal Audio Fest 2023: Final observations
Finally, it snowed during the weekend of the show, on Saturday, which was disappointing. It meant I wasn't in an alternate 'verse of the multiverse after all and, consequently, I wasn't Alternate Rob with a half-million-dollar hi-fi waiting at home.

Source Stereophile

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