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Acoustic Signature NEO Series Turntables


About the Acoustic Signature NEO turntable series

Acoustic Signa­ture was foun­ded in 1996 in Suessen (district of Goep­pingen, Baden-Wuert­tem­berg). Just one year later mana­ging director and chief developer Gunther Frohn­hoefer presen­ted the first Acoustic Signa­ture high-mass turn­table from his own manu­facture, thus gaining world­wide reco­gni­tion and a repu­tation as an inno­vative company. With the expan­sion of its product portfolio which now also inclu­ded tone­arms and analog acces­sories, Acoustic Signa­ture estab­lished itself as a fixed value in the inter­natio­nal high-end market – with distri­bution part­ners on all five continents.

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The Acoustic Signa­ture team now con­sists of 28 expe­rien­ced emplo­yees. Suppor­ted by state-of-the-art CNC techno­logy and CAD systems our highly qualified engi­neers, elec­trical tech­nicians, pre­cision turners, gold­smiths and other spe­cia­lists contri­bute their skills to fur­ther expand Acoustic Signa­ture’s repu­tation as an abso­lute tech­nology leader.

The Acoustic Signature NEO series is the cul­mi­na­tion of more than 25 years of expe­rience, ground­breaking techno­logi­cal deve­lop­ments, an unparal­leled depth of manu­fac­tu­ring with highest quality stan­dards, a unique design lang­uage, and last but not least: an unwa­vering love for the analog music reproduction.

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Equipped with our latest inno­vations, the Silencer, AVC (Anti Vibration Control) and CLD (Cons­traint Layer Dam­ping) techno­logies and the Dura Turn Diamond® Bea­ring (DTD®), the cur­rent gene­ration of Acoustic Signature high-mass turn­tables once again raises the bar in terms of sound, flexibility, feel, user-friend­liness and relia­bility to a level that is second to none.

Whether it’s our smallest, the Maximus NEO, or the world refe­rence Invictus NEO – every Acoustic Signa­ture NEO turn­table offers out­stan­ding value and: a 15-year war­ranty (with registration)!

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From turn­tables prepa­red for up to four tone­arms to com­pact high-end designs: Acoustic Signa­ture’s NEO series offers nine top-of-the-line high-mass turn­tables with a wide variety of sur­face fini­shes – final ana­log solu­tions for every level of sophistication.


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