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A.C.A's 10 Years Anniversary


On the occasion of the Club's 10th anniversarry

Honoring three (3) Greek audio manufacturers...

The 10 Year anniversary of the birth of A.C.A. was celebrated with the event on the 25th of May, 2008, at the Congo Palace hotel situated in Glyfada.

ACA 10 years Sterephile In reality the anniversary was not only to pay tribute to the club but to also recognize, through a prize possession from A.C.A. distinguished Greek Hi End gear Manufacturers, both in and out of Greece. This recognition is the only the first of the Greek manufacturers, these companies were:

The event was even more special since our honored guest, chief editor of Stereophile, Bob Deutch was there as well as every other concerned party from the media to company representatives.

The President of the Club and the entire A.C.A. Board of Directors was also attending. The event started with a communicative, and heart given speech from the A.C.A.'s President, retorting the history of the decade which had passed and that of the onset of A.C.A.

ACA-10-years-Sterephile-2Shortly afterwards, Bob Deutch gave tribute and went on giving us a lesson in reviews and how they do them in Stereophile magazine, giving advice on the how to pick a machine to review all the way to what is needed to write a good rated piece, given the personality of the writer himself.
His talk was a recital of what a chief editor really is, showing aptitude of the highest level on the subject at hand with body language that showed his care for his work and hobby. If not anything else, his speech was professional yet so simple which proved his unsurpassable abilities in the art of speech.

His professional but still simplified speech covered and pleased all the people from the audience, audiophiles, manufacturers, representatives, people from the press. Everyone that was there was left with a gift as his speech meant more than just a tribute to A.C.A.'s ten year presence and history.

Many questions have followed from the audience.

I think we were all lucky to be present in this event!!!

By Evangelos Gountanis

Pictures from the event, are shown below:


Pictures from the honoring of the three (3) Greek audio manufacturers, are shown below:


Pictures from the evening dinner, are shown below:


AV Mentor on line magazin-ACA 10 years article (in Greek)

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