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17 Jan 2009: Apostolos Raptis

Raptis system-2

By Tony Pothitos

Apostolos is a high end enthusiast who not only listens but creates.

The fact that his wires are pure silver or the fact that he is so many years in the high end scene does not say it all, but what does, is his knowledge which he has accumulated over these years to become a mature, and very down to earth high end persona in Greece.

This being said, the meeting today was not going to be an easy task since we always expect better things from Apostolos as the years go by and as each of his meetings take place. So in that light, you can understand that this time around we were expecting nothing but the absolute.

Could he out do himself? Could he have our jaws open as he did last time around?

What pressure does such a man carry with an entire club coming to his house to have his personal system revealed? What does anyone want to show more than his persona through the sound which comes out of his system?

The answer to each question above is not as simple as one might think at first.

The session...

Each ACA meeting means you are amongst friends with the exact same insane idiosyncrasy as you have within the high end realm. This in turn means introspection and projection of our own taste but within the strict high end format. In other words, you cannot use a tuner, no matter how well it is made, to go up against a high end turntable or digital device.

Apostolos knows this and follows through with extreme caution. That is why each one of his wires is made to perfection, and it shows!
The meeting. The synergy and the totality of the music heard tonight was as each wire was constructed, simply perfect.

The bass was taught and lightning fast, the vocals were never stringent or in need of any compelling control of either highs or mids and the musicality of the system was entirely homogeneous with that of a live concert, without speakers!

So, indeed Apostolos outdid himself from our last meeting and I wonder HOW can he outdo himself next time around.
I can’t wait to see what he thinks of next. Amazing job done and a great meeting indeed.

System Description...

  • Analog Source: Goldmund Studio with Goldmund T3 and VDH Colibri XGP
  • Digital Source: Audio Research CD3
  • Amplification: Audio Research SP10 with phono stage driving a pair of Audio Research VT150 SE
  • Speakers: B&W 800 Matrix
  • Cables: A variety of silver cables from VDH, Siltech and DIY
  • Rack: Custom metal and granite

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