Εντυπώσεις από την παρουσίαση μας στο hi-end show 2010.

  • Trouble


    ACA Member

    I could not be there because of the war between the spammers and the amazing amount of illegal guests during the weekend.

    I honestly stayed home ALL weekend, and did not EVEN VISIT THE SHOW because of the fact that someone had to keep the fort (new-aca) safe.

    I do not regret it. I swear. It was my honour and job to do it. Although I wish I could hear the little system play.

    We have solved the problem now with the security measures taken and a new firewall for it not to happen again. Or until someone comes up with a horrible way to ruin sites.....

    I am very thankful that I have friends and music lovers as you to actually put your time and effort into the show. That goes for everyone that worked for the show.

    I am very very proud of you.

    13  25 Oct 2010  
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