
  • Kozinsky



    Hallo and good evening!
    My name is Thomas and i live with my family in Germany near Hannover, working as a Care Manager in a retirement home. A good friend told me about this forum this evening.
    I like to hear music since the early 80s. At first i have heart with some Bose 901/4….now 40 year later there are some Dali Helicon 400 MK2…
    The other stuff:
    Lyngdorf DPA 1
    2 STC 2 from Mr. Nixie
    Mutec Clock
    Music Hall mmf 7.1 with TA Mojo
    Digna from Mr.Nixie
    Micromega CD F1 and a cheap but best buy Xoro CD-player
    …some cable from Oyaide, Viablue
    I‘m happy with all components, but often i look for some new to make the sound better…..
    At last…sorry for my bad english….and Kozinsky is a figured in a story of John Grisham…
    Have a nice weekend!
    I don‘t know how to send photos in this forum using an iPad…sorry.

    1  26 Nov 2022  
  • panos_adgr


    ACA Member Audio Addicted

    Hello Thomas and welcome to our forum!
    Nice system!
    Our systems is always good when we enjoy our music through it!
    If you are happy with your system just enjoy your wonderful records!
    A Greek saying says that the enemy of “good is the better one” as a remembrance of human vanity.

    2  27 Nov 2022  
  • Kozinsky



    Thank you so much!
    And i wish you a good start for the next week!

    3  27 Nov 2022  
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