
  • berk59




    I have just registered so I thought I would introduce myself. I am based in Essex in the UK just outside London. I have been an audiophile
    for over 20 years and have had numerous equipment, too much to list here. I love tube amps and only have digital replay although I have dabbled in vinyl in the past. I musically tastes are eclectic although I love jazz vocals. My main system is as follow.

    Speakers: Reference 3a decapo i

    Transport: Mark Levinson 31.5 transport
    DAC's : Audio Note 1.2 kit, Abbas audio 2.0
    Pre : Trilogy Audio 902
    Amps : EAR 859, Audion Sterling MK 1

    I also own a Tom Evans Eikos cd play, Lavardin IS signature amp and Camp amp class a mono blocks designed by Joseph Pass of Pass amps.

    The members on this forum have amazing systems.


    1  1 Nov 2022  
  • panos_adgr


    ACA Member Audio Addicted

    Welcome to our community dear friend!

    Nice system you have there!
    We are all passionate audiophiles and we love our hobby!
    Feel free to share your 20years of experience!

    2  1 Nov 2022  
  • Manos_Bits


    Chairman Administrator

    Ian we are happy to welcome you in ACA forums.. your system looks great.. you can send photos to and we will post them here.. welcome!!

    3  1 Nov 2022  
  • berk59




    Thank you for the warm welcome. I will send some images in due course.


    4  2 Nov 2022  
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