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Join our spirit and share your passion!

We cater to all audiophile interests: both tube romantics and solid-state lovers; people who prefer listening to CDs, and others who love vinyl and think digital should be out of the high-end business; people with advanced degrees in engineering, and people who believe high-end is an art. But we all have one thing in common: we love music, and we love to hear it accurately and emotionally reproduced in our homes!

Why join?

To join ACA prerequisites obviously exist. The first thing though that any future member should think of, is what he can give and get out of being a member of this club.

Do you share similar notions as we do? Do you feel you are an audiophile and whatever that may mean to the bone? Lastly, do you love listening and learning about music and audio equipment?

Being an ACA member entails having it in your blood. If part of your part oxygen is music and audio equipment and the search for your musical heaven, then you just might need to think about it.

We have discounts at many audio stores (in Greece), we go to musical and high end events for free or with a considerable discount (in Greece), you acquire a home page with your system, a personal ID card, and become a part of a society which is very proud of its present and future.

Member obligations

Audiophile Club of Athens (ACA) Members
As a full member of ACA, you are required to follow simple rules of gentlemanliness and to try to come to the monthly meetings. Even better you can come to the events we have and our meetings. Any help that can be given will be given and received without payment or with any awaiting return. This is our hobby. This is not a business. We do not get paid for what we do because some things cannot be paid for, and one of those things is enjoying ACA membership.

The Greek native candidate member, has to appear in a sequence of three club meetings, in order to get familiar with the members and the club's procedure.

As a future ACA member has to own an audio system and the appropriate media for it.

Then he has to complete the Member Application Form and his application to be approved by the club’s officers. As soon as he is a full member, has to pay an joining fee of 50 Euros and a annual members fee of 50 Euros.

The international members don't have to follow the above described procedure or pay any fees, they just have to complete an application form and the application to be approved by the club’s officers.

The honorary members don’t have to do any of the above since usually are people that contributed knowlege or fame to our society and are nominaded by the club.

Forum members are not obliged to come to meetings or do anything than just visit and read, write if he or she wants to and maintain a high stature of conversation.

Registration procedure

Please read the Member obligations section above and If you agree, then it is simple.
Download the Member Application Form and just follow the registration procedure process. Complete the form and submit it as instructed. The Club’s officers will review your application and inform you for the approval of your membership.

A few words about our exlusive club...
We would love to hear from you!

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